September 24, 2019
Dear South 43rd Street Resident:
I send this correspondence as an update on the status of making South 43rd Street a safer road for all to travel. We had two meetings (at different times) on Wednesday, July 10th at Manitoba School. Our Department of Public Works showed a proposal of how, through lane painting, traffic would be engineered to make drivers go more slowly and travel differently. In essence, we would go from four lanes to three lanes with a center lane and bike lane. This is designed to change the driving behavior on South 43rd Street.
It must be empathized that the project was not part of the 2019 Budget, and could only happen this year if sufficient dollars were found.
During the time between the communities meeting to now, the Department of Public Works, has very carefully found some funding. I am grateful to them!
In the interest of time and weather, we would like to do what we can. As such, West Morgan Avenue to West Manitoba Street can be completed. I recognize that it is not the whole project and I am sorry for that. That said, I would like to reflect on the positive.
Putting the southern line down will give us a six month test to see how effectively it is working. If by chance it is not working, we can simply go back to the current road. By waiting until April/May 2020, when there is sufficient funding, the project will be finished. If you are wondering about the dates, the weather needs to be warm enough for paint to adhere (not less than 55°).
Please see the enclosed rendering on what it will look like. If you have specific questions on the engineering of this project, Scott Reinbacher, Traffic Control Engineer, 414-286-3232, could assist. As always, I can be contacted anytime at 414-286-3768, 414-286-3446.
This was the best that could be done with what was available. I thank you for your patience and understanding.
Alderman Mark Borkowski
11th Aldermanic District
PS: A Special “Thank you” to the City of Greenfield Enclosure